The marble “VERT D’ESTOURS” is a material known and appreciated since ancient times, the opening of the quarry dates back to the mid-end of the nineteenth century, used as a decoration of interiors, exteriors, funerary art, urban furniture, as evidenced by the uses in the palace of Versailles and in other historic French buildings and more.
The activity of the quarry was suspended between 1900 and 1915, due to the war events and has now been definitively reopened by the Italian company “EURO STONE SRL” of Massa – Italy that takes care of the extraction and distribution in blocks, slabs , worked, from the deposits of Massa and Verona. The quarry is able to provide large quantities in large blocks, perfectly framed that make the material suitable for any type of supply, from the single slab to the large project.
The marble “VERT D’ESTOURS” is extracted in the only existing quarry, located in the south of France, in the chain of the central Pyrenees (Midy-Pyrenees) in the municipality of Sieux (Ariege). It is a very compact crystalline limestone, with a brecciated appearance with thin green veins on a white / ivory background, easy to work and can receive various types of surface finishes (smoothing, polishing, brushing, antiquing, PEC …), which enhance the color values and intrinsic qualities. It is a material that due to its compactness can be cut to thin thicknesses, starting from 1 cm. thick, and be used for interior / exterior cladding, flooring, furniture and decorative elements. The open stain workmanship enhances its finesse and decorativeness with the various possible combinations.

- EURO STONE SRL operates in the field of stone products extraction since 1998 in the territories of southern France.
Our company specializes in the extraction of blocks from Vert d’Estours own quarries, located in the municipality of Seix Ariege and in the extraction of other materials such as Opera Fantastica, Sarrancolin Versailles and Hautacam.

- We present a series of images of our quarry and some works made with our Vert d’Estours material
The VERT D’ESTOURS marble comes from the homonymous locality located in the South of France, in the Central Pyrenees, approximately 5,500 km South West of the Municipality of Seix (Ariege). The extraction is carried out with a diamond wire machine, a chain saw called Fantini, which cuts the marble vertically and horizontally, in order to obtain blocks of 15 to 20 tons depending on the request. This material is a very fine marble from the Griottes family. It has an ivory white base disseminated by a multitude of thin green lines, very easy to work, it can be smoothed without any difficulty with excellent results.
VERT D’ESTOURS marble can withstand any type of climate and is very suitable for interior and exterior cladding, objects, fireplaces, floors, internal and external stairs. Our material is the only one that can pride itself on this name, since it has been forgotten for many years, and only today, we have created a unique product of its kind and exceptional qualities. The VERT D’ESTOURS or (VERT VERT) already in the era of Louis XIV was used for the construction of columns, chimneys and floors such as that of the Main Hall of the Chateaux de Versailles. The effect is even more spectacular when used for large surfaces, creating geometric paintings, playing with its wavy green lines, creating plays of light and shades of color. Today it is also very appreciated by sculptors like Neal Barab, who used it in the creations of many of his sculptures such as Ping Pong, Scaut.
Apparent weight 2,600-2,700 Kg/m3
Porosity 0,3-0,5 %
Resistance to compression140-155 Mpa
Wear resistance26-30 mm
Saturation factor 0,8-0,9
Dynamic extension factor 75,000 Mpa

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Ph. + 39 328 3073663 I +33 678341145
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